In all humility and love it’s time to talk that talk! Let ya boy keep it a bean and talk smack for the good of people in general, but more specifically for the Lord and His Bride; the Church. If you are reading this and say, “uh oh, did he say church? This ain’t for me”. STOP, don’t leave, this is for you too. Why Black People Leave the Christian Faith & the Church Distortion of the Image of God In America the Church, especially certain denominations, have not just tolerated racism but promoted it’s existence. Jesus is presented in art within the church as a weak white man (not implying there’s weakness in European peoples) who doesn’t care about the plight of black people in this country. Not only that, with such an emphasis on the Reformation and Enlightenment periods black people are made to think that this faith that was once for all delivered to the saints has its roots in European culture. If it did start there, then a European origin wouldn’t make it less true,...